Nursery services are offered on Sundays during the Bible Education and Main Worship services.
On Sunday mornings during the Bible Education hour, children ages 3 to 13 meet in various Sunday School groups based on their age. We use the "Generations of Grace" curriculum, which walks children through the major themes, stories, and teachings of the Bible over the span of three years. Since all classes are following the same teaching schedule, families with children in multiple classes will experience continuity in the themes and truths covered on a particular Sunday. Likewise, children will experience continuity in course content as they grow older and get promoted to higher age classes within the Children's ministry.
On Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm in the main auditorium, children have the opportunity to participate in the Children's Program while adults participate in various Bible/book studies and prayer groups. Children will be taught theology, work on bible memorization, and sing worship songs. Towards the end of the evening, children will also have the opportunity to participate in activities lead by the Children's program helpers.
Our youth group is comprised of students ages 13 to 18 (or, students entering into Jr. High and finishing High School). The group meets at LBC on Sundays at 9:30am during the Bible Education hour and on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm.
In addition to the scheduled meetings listed above, students also have the opportunity to connect with other students in LBC through various activities held throughout the year, and with students from around the country during summer camp at Camp Chetek.
College & Career
The College & Career group exists to help individuals build biblical life skills to better prepare them to live a life that is honoring and glorifying to God. They gather together at LBC on Sunday mornings during at 9:30am during the Bible Education hour.
The men's group currently meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm for Bible study, book study, prayer groups, and fellowship.
The men's group also meets at various times throughout the year for fellowship, activities, and to be challenged by the Word of God to live godly lives.
About once a month, the LBC ladies convene for a time of fellowship and spiritual enrichment, often in a home setting. They also meet each Wednesday at 7:00pm for a time of Bible study and prayer. Visitors are always welcome!
LBC has prioritized missions in an effort to participate in making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). We do this by periodically inviting, listening to, and carefully considering the work of those who are in the process of raising support to go to, or who are actively in, the field. Currently, LBC supports four full-time missionaries in various geographic regions around the world.